Saturday, June 9, 2018

A New Chapter

In 2014 my mother died.  I had faced death many times before then, but this time it made me really look at what I believed, how I lived,  and what really matters in life.  It is 2018, and that journey still continues.  Late 2014 or early 2015, I stumbled onto minimalism, which echoed the thoughts of Saint Francis of Assisi, but not in the 12th Century setting... and like Franciscanism spoke to me as a teen, minimalism speaks to me as an adult.

I have spent my journey as floating between the Gothic, Steampunk, and Bohemian styles... living in the Deep South, Midwest, and Desert Southwest.  I have lived in 13 states over 10 years, some more than once. I have lived in a tiny house, a studio, and a two bedroom home, or more often, a single 15x15 room in a shared living situation.   I have moved with what fits in the back of a truck, a car, or a station wagon, more than once.  Yet still I have more than I need. 

I grew up close to a hoarder, and I hated that type of life.  I also grew up close to a minimalist, and I admired most of that, howabit, more as a grown up then as a child. Yet I am messy, give me a backpack of clothing, and I can make a mess in a perfect hotel room.  But, culter drives me crazy.

I have lived between different parts of Christianity - Lutheran, Pentecostal, Baptist.  I studied Franciscanism.  I lived as a missionary.  I lived as a simple believer.  I still hold the teaching of Jesus close, but I try to listens to everyones stories on their journey, without compromising my own story...

This are the stories that shape my journey, my experiences, my story, and I offer for you to join my journey, and may happs, we can learn together along the way...

~ Michelle

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